Wednesday 21 January 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

40 today, can you believe it.

I certainly never expected to be pregnant and 40 but all is going well.

Tuesday 13 January 2009


afternoon all

I had a scan and dr appointment today and baby is now breech, but they said there's plenty of fluid and lots of time yet for him to turn back around (little devil). Doppler was all good and he's measuring right in the middle of where he should be, they estimate his weight at close to 3 1/2 lbs.
I asked about what will happen regarding delivery and my being on the blood thinners and they basically want to just see how things go for now, the ideal is a vaginal delivery with a possibility of being induced 38/39 weeks but it all depends how I'm doing and what position baby is in/how blood flow is doing etc. so no answer really